Information Security, Compliance & Business Advantage with ISO 27001* Standard

Value Proposition

Cyber Risk
ISO 27001
ISO 27001
Cyber Risk

Enable Information Security Governance and Risk Management

Certifiable and Globally Recognised Information Security Standard 


Ensure Compliance and Gain Competitive Advantage with Information Security Assurance

Information Security Strategy aligned to support Organisational Objectives and Priorities

The Value of ISO 27001* Certification

The ISO 27001 compliant information security management system (ISMS) offers a globally recognised, versatile and certifiable risk management model, adaptable to meet the unique security assurance requirements for organisations of any size, structure and footprint. 

Proveho Networks Assists Organisations in Developing and Maintaining ISO 27001 Compliant Security Model that is Consistent with their Risk Profile and Compliance Objectives.

ISO 27001

Management buy-in and continued support is critical to the success of ISO 27001 – compliant information security management model from it’s inception and in the long term.

While technological defences are crucial to information security, they have limited efficacy if computing end-user does not understand and is not aware of their responsibilities.

Inadequate analysis, planning and scoping of the organisation’s operational context and environment can lead to a security model that is misaligned, costly and offers limited security assurance value. 

Business models are evolving due to pressures from disruptive digital technologies, consumer behavior and changing expectations. Information security risk management initiatives must align and evolve accordingly.

Sophisticated and targeted security attacks, loss of cohesion with the computing environment and increased computing mobility requires controls that are adequate in security capability to manage risk exposure and defend against advanced attacks. Advanced analytics in security controls provide effectiveness and efficiency in managing risk in today’s fragmented computing landscape.

Proveho Networks ISO 27001 Consultancy Services

Founded in 2010, Proveho Networks is dedicated to assisting organisations develop a risk management framework and security program, that is optimally suited to their business model, compliance requirements and acceptable risk limits.

Proveho Networks assists organisations to develop, implement and maintain ISO 27001- compliant ISMS, that captures organisational objectives, and continually aligns and adapts the program to the organisation’s evolving operating environment.

The ISO 27001-certified team of consultants at Proveho Networks stem from diverse information security backgrounds, spanning from multiple industry verticals globally. We are fully committed to your success in compliance and information security.

We recognise the importance of security assurance and compliance requirements in a fragmented and multi-tenancy computing environment. The information security models developed for organisations incorporate third-party attestations and contractual rigor to ensure and enforce security and compliance.

Where appropriate, Proveho Networks focuses on developing clients’ knowledge and capability in independently maintaining an effective ISO 27001-Compliant ISMS. This approach minimizes the need for continued support and reduces any additional costs being incurred.

Proveho Networks guarantees that clients will achieve ISO 27001 certification within the agreed timeframe. This guarantee is subject to contract and applies where the client meets the resource, competence and task completion requirements of the agreed project plan, and where the scope of the ISMS is not materially changed without mutual agreement.

"By 2022, cyber-security ratings will become as important as credit rating when assessing the risk of business relationships."
- Gartner