Cloud security responsibilities may be shared but the business operational and non-compliance risk resides directly with the cloud user organisation. Insufficient risk modelling and inadequate cloud security oversight may result in a disproportionate adverse impact based on the intricacy and exposed nature of cloud services. Organisations are confronted with an increasingly fragmented computing domain and a surging mobile-device to user ratio, further expanding complexity and increasing the computing surface area risk exposure. Thus, enabling multilayered security service is very important for those organisations.

Multilayered Security
Multilayered Security

Are your security responsibilities defined and maintained? Demonstrating compliance requires producing artifacts pertaining to underlying in-scope cloud infrastructure, whereby the organisation has no access and control. Inherited cloud provider security compliance documents, attestations and published assessments, collated with complementary organisational security practices, are critical to managing shared security responsibilities and compliance risk as a whole.

Cloud Service Providers are not equal in risk profile. Protecting data is more involved in a cloud environment. Infrastructure-as-a-service volumes, databases, object and file storage are some of many services that contain accessible data. Managing data security life-cycle across how data enters or is created, processed, archived and destroyed across all cloud services models, are critical in maintaining an acceptable data risk profile. 

Multilayered Security
Contact us today to discuss how Proveho Networks can help you manage multilayered security.